Terms of Using DIY Exhibits
When preparing for your DIY Exhibit, remember to follow the terms of use:
- I/We agree to use the DIY toolkit and all materials (collectively the “Materials”) for educational purposes and not for any commercial or profit-making purpose. I understand the Materials included are solely for the purpose of physical exhibition and display during public engagement activities with the DIY exhibit I am hosting.
- I/We agree to not alter any Materials pre-designed by NMNH included in the Toolkit. The NMNH predesigned Materials includes but are not limited to: content panels, promotional materials, resources, and multimedia.
- I/We agree that the title panel and first content panel will be present at all times during the exhibit display.
- I/We understand I am responsible for all costs associated with exhibiting and displaying the Materials.
- I/We agree that by creating a Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Do-It-Yourself Exhibition, I am not intending to create a partnership or joint venture relationship with the Smithsonian or NMNH.
- I/We agree to only use the DIY exhibit for up to five years.
- I/We agree this User Agreement shall be governed by applicable federal law and the laws of the District of Columbia and is enforceable only in a court of competent jurisdiction in the United States.
- I/We understand and agree that, while we may use the marketing materials included in the DIY toolkit for purposes of advertising, marketing, or promoting the DIY exhibit, we are not permitted to refer to the National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) or the Smithsonian Institution (SI) or either NMNH or SI logo in any manner or medium, for any other purpose.
- We understand that we are permitted to add our organization’s logo or name to the exhibit’s customizable panels (i.e. the panels that are not pre-designed by NMNH) within the following credit line: “This Smithsonian Institution exhibit is presented by___.”